travel and stay


We recommend staying in Beaufort, Bluffton, Hilton Head Island, or Savannah areas if you’re looking for more fun!

However, the ceremony and party will be a bit of a drive from these locations.

Plan Accordingly.

  • The closest airport is the Savannah/ Hilton Head International Airport.

  • Airbnb and VRBO are a great option.

    Hotels we recommend:

    • The Beaufort Inn

    • The Old Town Bluffton Inn


Fishing is one of our favorite activities in the area. Book a trip with some of the best local fishermen below.

Stratton Pollizter - Black and Blue Charters

Christian Pollizter - Bulldog Charters

Brian Vaughn - Off the Hook Charters

Jackson Larson - Runaway Charters

WHAT TO DO in the area

Explore Beaufort, Bluffton, Savannah, and Hilton Head Island!

Favorite Restaurants and Bars:

Hudson’s - Hilton Head Island

Fish Camp - Beaufort

Tiki Hut - Hilton Head Island

Smokehouse - Hilton Head Island

The Quarterdeck - Hilton Head Island

Farm - Bluffton

Belford’s at City Market - Savannah

Huckapoo’s - Tybee Island